
Toby's FriendsIt all started with a handsome young man named Toby. Toby was pulled from a shelter by a good Samaritan who, knowing she could not keep him but wanting to save him from an uncertain future, brought him to a vet and called various rescue groups in the area to try and find a good home for him. TOTTSHR took him into the rescue organization and placed him in a foster home. Toby's foster parents began noticing that he had some difficulty getting up after long periods of lying down, and seemed to walk stiffly until his muscles warmed up a bit. They promptly took him to the vet, who diagnosed Toby with Hip Dysplasia. The vet told them that Toby, at seven years of age, was in the early stages but his condition would surely worsen with time and he would ultimately need surgery to correct the problem.

Toby has since been adopted into a loving home. TOTTSHR has established a fund called The Toby Fund to raise money to help Toby's new family meet his impending vet bills, estimated at over $1,000, for his eventual surgery.

Thanks to the very generous donations we have received, we reached our initial goal of $1,000 in June of 2001. We continue to maintain this fund for other dogs that come into our care that require extroidenary vet care. The dogs shown here are some of these dogs who have been adopted out. In some cases, like Toby even though they have been adopted, we are still raising funds to help pay for the special care that they need.